The research below has been sourced through either NHS evidence or through the United States National Library of Medicine.
Group hypnosis treatment of drug addicts abstract.
Anxiety and stress
Hypnosis and anxiety abstract.
Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders, abstract.
Using hypnotherapy to overcome examination anxiety, abstract.
A systematic review to examine the impact of psycho-educational interventions on health outcomes and costs in adults and children with difficult asthma abstract.
The role of alternative and complementary treatments of asthma abstract.
Child Birth
The effect of hypnosis on pain relief during labor and childbirth in Iranian pregnant women abstract.
A meta-analysis of hypnosis in the treatment of depressive symptoms: a brief communication, abstract.
Hypnotherapy and biofeedback therapy for atopic eczema abstract.
Hypnotherapy for nocturnal enuresis abstract.
A new mind-body approach for a total healing of fibromyalgia: a case report. (Please be aware this is only a case report) abstract.
Mind-body therapies for the treatment of fibromyalgia: a systemic review, abstract.
Irritable bowel syndrome
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends that referral for psychological interventions (CBT, hypnotherapy and/or psychological therapy) should be considered for patients with IBS not responding to pharmacological treatments after one year and who develop a continuing symptom profile. Or those patients presenting with refractory IBS. The report also states “that gut directed hypnotherapy strategies provide IBS patients with benefits in a cost-effective manner”.
Currently hypnotherapy is used as a second line therapy option, normally for patients with unresolved IBS symptoms, who have not responded to a combination of management strategies. The NICE guidelines have included hypnotherapy as one of its top five research recommendations, with the potential for this intervention to be considered as a first line therapy option.
The guidelines note that with consideration as a first line therapy option, this treatment technique has potential to enable the IBS patient to deal with their symptoms by giving initial treatments that would have long term sustainability. This view was supported with evidence in children with IBS, which showed that hypnotherapy is clinically effective as a first line therapy.
The research that has led, in part, to this position follows.
Systematic review: the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in the management of irritable bowel syndrome abstract.
Hypnotherapy for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome abstract.
Mindfulness for irritable bowel syndrome: protocol development for a controlled clinical trial abstract.
Complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome abstract.
Hypnosis and upper digestive function and disease abstract.
Hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome: The response of colonic and non-colonic symptoms abstract.
Treatment of chronic fatigue with neurofeedback and self-hypnosis abstract.
For our approach to the treatment of ME/CFS please redirect to our sister site ME Treatment.
Multiple Sclerosis
A comparison of self-hypnosis versus progressive muscle relaxation in patients with multiple sclerosis and chronic pain abstract.
Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation abstract.
Hypnosis for smoking cessation: a randomized trial abstract
Hypnosis and smoking cessation: the state of the science abstract.
Stress and anxiety
Hypnosis and anxiety abstract.
Weight problems
Weight loss for women: studies of smokers and non-smokers using hypnosis and multicomponent treatments with and without overt aversion abstract.
Complementary therapies for reducing body weight: a systematic review abstract.
Psychological interventions for overweight or obesity abstract.
Complementary and alternative therapies for weight loss, abstract.
Problems Treated
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Weight loss
- Fears and phobias
- Stress management
- Smoking Cessation
- Overcoming Obsessions
- Unwanted Habits
- Depression
- IBS treatment
- Low confidence
- Anger Management
- Relationship problems
- Treatment for Insomnia
- Overcome Addictions
- Treatment for Fatigue
- Sports performance
- Sexual Problems
- Treatment for Migraines
- The Complete List of Conditions Treated

Karl Baxter

Kate Cooke

Aren Deu

Linda Prince

Pindi Kaur

Sue Strudley

Louise Malley

Nicola Walker

Chloe Middleton

Leigh-Anne Higgins

Pippa Dixon

Steve Rollinson

Mita Patel

Debbie Jennings

Victoria cook